What is the Gospel?

Every person needs to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and why this is good news for the one who trusts and leans on Him for eternal life. Learn the clear truth of God’s perfection and holiness, humankind’s utter sinfulness, why only Christ’s perfect merits through His atonement can save us from God’s wrath and reconcile us with God, and why our good works cannot justify us before the all-holy God. This message is vital for everyone, particularly for the nominal or religious Catholic or Eastern Orthodox believer.

Are Catholics Christians?

Many people point to documents such as Evangelicals and Catholics Together as examples of why we ought not to share the Gospel of Christ with Roman Catholics. They claim that we share the same truths and worship the same Lord. Find out why this is a blatant lie. See how Rome uses cunning and trickery to coopt evangelicals into selling out the Gospel for the sake of false “unity”.

Roman Catholicism

Roman Catholicism is still one of the largest religious movements in the world. Find out why Catholicism is so different than Biblical Christianity. How can we share the love of Christ with Catholics who are deep into Satanic deception?

Former Priests

What happened in the hearts and minds of Roman Catholic priests during the time of the Great Reformation continues today just as in every succeeding generation. Eyes and ears are opened to the truths proclaimed in the infallible authority of the Holy Scriptures. Watch the remarkable stories of these priests and nuns who have taken a stand on the Word of God.

Catholic Scandals

In early 2002, The Boston Globe published results of an investigation that led to the criminal prosecutions of five Roman Catholic priests and thrust the sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy into the national spotlight. This was the tip of the iceberg as the Roman Catholic Church has been infested with pedophiles since its inception. In this section you will learn the root causes of these rampant crimes against humanity. You can also Google “Catholic scandals” to find the scope and frequency of crimes among the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.

Ask a Priest

Are you looking for straight, concise answers to your own questions or those asked by your Catholic friends or loved ones? Listen to these short videos as Richard Bennett, a former Irish Catholic priest for 22 years in the Dominican order and alumnus of the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Vatican City, answers tough questions with truth and love.

Former Nuns

What happened in the hearts and minds of Roman Catholic priests and nuns during the time of the Great Reformation continues today just as in every succeeding generation. Eyes and ears are opened to the truths proclaimed in the infallible authority of the Holy Scriptures. Watch, read and listen to the remarkable stories of these  nuns who have taken a stand on the Word of God.

Former Lay Catholics

Across the globe and throughout the ages, men and women have given testimony to the life changing power of being in a biblical relationship with their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. A testimony is one of the most effective ways to confirm and event and is one of the primary reasons that courts of law relay upon the testimony of witnesses in order to establish the truth. Please enjoy watching these testimonies of former Roman Catholic couples and individuals from a variety of backgrounds. You will discover they have a common thread and that is their personal revelation that the Bible is authoritative, true and most of all, life changing.

The Catholic Mary

What God’s Word Teaches about Mary
The veneration, or de-facto worship, of the manufactured Mary of Rome in Catholicism is a central feature of that religion. Rome would have you believe that you have no direct access to Christ apart from the Mediatrix Mary. See why God’s Word completely refutes the absurd claims of Catholicism. Learn about the true Mary portrayed in the Bible – a godly young woman and a sinner in need of God’s grace through Christ alone, just like any of us.

Catholic Sacraments

One key distinction of the Roman Catholic Church (and Eastern Orthodox Churches) is its teaching on the mandatory intake of its seven sacraments. What is their origin? Are sacraments truly the only manifestation of God’s grace to believers, according to Roman Catholic doctrine? Or are they simply a way to enslave people to the tyranny of Rome? What did Christ and the apostles actually teach on this issue?


One of the major themes of the Bible is God’s admonition not to substitute false idols for the true and living God. Not only does idolatry include erecting fake, physical or mental idols, but it also includes false teachings about the true God. How do we stay loyal to the true God and who He truly is? How can we preserve ourselves by His power from the false notions implanted by Rome even into evangelical mindsets? Material on this page will expose Rome’s various ruses to compromise Bible believers and hold Catholics hostage to false gods.

The Office of the Priest

Roman Catholicism exalts a special class of men called priests. Contradicting Holy Scripture, Rome boasts that her priests command special powers over the souls of human beings. From where does Rome derive its teachings? Do priests actually possess such special powers to absolve people of sin and dispense of God’s grace through various sacraments? What does God say about priests in the New Covenant of Jesus Christ?

The Pope and the Papacy

None, but the Lord God, could have described beforehand office of the Pope and Papacy. Man could never have anticipated the Papacy only God foretells it. That a power claiming to act for God, to be “as God,” in the midst of the Christian Church, flouting His truth and mocking His own Holiness, defies imagination.

Church History

When you hear the term “Church History”, many thoughts come to mind. One of those thoughts might be the widely held assumption that the Roman Catholic Church is the original church established by the Lord Jesus. However, a proper study reveals a much more complex issue. The beginning for the early Christian church is found in the greatest resource know to mankind, the Holy Scriptures. In them you will find what a true Christian Church looks like and how it should behave. Since those early beginnings, the succeeding pages of church history have been well documented. Close examination reveals a group of people who put into practice the truths found in the Scripture and of another group that practiced a different system of belief and sadly, those pages are written in blood.

The Jesuit Order

The Society of Jesus [S.J.] (AKA the Jesuit Order and “the Company” – was founded circa 1534 by a Spanish Basque Roman Catholic soldier named Ignatius de Loyola [Ignacio de Loyola] (1491-1556) and several other individuals. The Jesuit Order was OFFICIALLY recognized as a Roman Catholic religious-military order in 1540 by Pope Paul III. In 1541 Ignatius of Loyola became the first Jesuit Superior General (i.e., the first “Black Pope”, which is an “Italian nickname” for the Jesuit Superior General), a title-office that he held until his death in 1556.

The Antichrist

For nearly 400 years, Protestant pulpits shared a near unanimous view about the identity of the Antichrist. The Protestant Reformers did not agree on everything; however, there was one thing they ALL agreed about, i.e., that the office of the Papacy – the long line of popes – was the Antichrist.

The Vatican Global Agenda

How could one of the smallest states on earth by land mass and population wield such global influence and harbor dark political ambitions for the world? Read how Rome’s declarations on economic, social, political, and environmental issues actually reveal its aggressive efforts and plans to usurp authority at the expense of democracy. Learn why Rome allies itself with brutal political regimes, including Nazi Germany and Fascist Croatia, that committed such genocide. See how Rome’s promotion of socialist economics stretch back to Thomas Aquinas in medieval times.

Bible Believers/Evangelicals

Why is the professing evangelical church in the West so impotent? Learn how the dilution of the preaching of Christ’s true Gospel in many so-called evangelical churches is directly related to the rise of movements promoted by Rome! The charismatic, emerging church, and “Purpose Driven” movements are three examples that have weakened professing Christianity and made many blind to the true danger of false gospels, particularly that of Roman Catholicism! Learn about the tragedy of agreements such as ECT and how true Bible believers should stand in the midst of an age of falling away.


Do you need to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with your Roman Catholic and Orthodox neighbors and loved ones? If so, why? What are some practical things to consider? Richard Bennett shares many tips based on his extensive experience and love for sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with all kinds of people, including Catholics and Orthodox.

The Ecumenical Movement

The ecumenical movement is the brain child of the Roman Catholic Church. This moment gained momentum during  the Second Vatican Council held in Rome from 1962 to 1965. The primary purpose of the ecumenical movement is to draw individuals, groups and churches back into the Roman Catholic religious system. The eventual goal is to enslave all people under the Roman pontiff as head of the “Universal Church”. The movement employs various techniques that range from joint declarations of faith to stadium events filled with people from various denominations. All are encouraged to be united through emotional experiences instead of Biblical truth.

The scripture clearly warns the bible believing Christian in 2 Corinthians chapter 6. 14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

Mysticism/Emergent Church

One major strategy of the Jesuits is mysticism, the false claim of union with God apart from the means He has ordained in His Word. Indeed, mysticism might even damage people’s souls and connect them to dark spiritual powers. The emergent church movement has infiltrated evangelicals today with this dark teaching. Find out why Christ condemns such wicked doctrine of demons.

Eastern Orthodoxy

In many ways, Eastern Orthodoxy ends up in the same place as Roman Catholicism: a false gospel based on human works that ultimately deny our need for the once and complete atonement of Jesus Christ for our sins on the cross. Yet, Eastern Orthodoxy differs from Roman Catholicism (and true Biblical Christianity) in other areas. Find out why Eastern Orthodox people need the true Gospel of Christ, and why you should reject its claims of being the “true and original church” of the New Testament.